di Kelly Borsheim
17 ottobre 2020
A Marble, a Mural, a Mostra, and a Man ~ Borsheim Art News October 2020: surely this makes you even just a little curious, no?
Pubblicato in
American Sculptor ,
art exhibition ,
art news ,
Bottega d'arte Salvadori ,
Ceramic Sculpture ,
Italy ,
marble portrait ,
marble sculpture ,
mostra ,
mural ,
Pescia ,
sculptor ,
sculpture ,
show ,
Sisters marble carving ,
Sisters marble carving videos ,
solo show ,
Stories ,
Tuscany ,
Vasily ,
Vasily Fedorouk
di Kelly Borsheim
26 giugno 2020
CONTENTS of Borsheim Art News: * USA Art Tour: Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Indianapolis, Virginia * NEW: Luminosity - a Diptych Painting * Cultural Event : Valleriana, Tuscany * Vasily Fedorouk: Unison Ceramic Sculpture * Youtube, Instagram, and FineArtAmerica
Pubblicato in
Art demonstration ,
Art Exhibits ,
Art shows ,
Art Tour USA ,
Awen ,
Castelvecchio ,
Celtic Symbols ,
Ceramic Sculpture ,
La Pieve ,
Luminosity ,
praying ,
Sculptfest ,
Sculpture at the River Market ,
The Palms of Sanford ,
Tuscany ,
Unison ,
Valleriana ,
Wild Boar ,
Yin Yang
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