Summation of artist interview in Italian into English. Written by journalist Emanuele Cutsodontis after visiting with sculptor and painter Kelly Borsheim, published in the Giornale di Pistoia, in Tuscany, Italy on 30 July 2021.
Dear Art Lover: Borsheim Art News celebrates 20 year art anniversary as a full-time artist. To celebrate during this Covid-challenge limited travel period, take this virtual tour of the Stefano Bardini Museum in Florence, Italy. Check out new things: 2 shops on Etsy, 3 guest artists, save 10% of Valentine Art GIFTS
The Stefano Bardini Museum (Museo Bardini) in central Florence, Italy, is a wonderful gem that most tourists never see. This virtual tour is packed with many sculpture originals, weapons, and artifacts of historical Florence. Giambologna's gargoyle bronze looks like the inspiration of the Grinch who stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss. Decorated ceilings with fantastical creatures. Art!.
Putti (naked angel babies), fantasy creatures, mythological figures, historical figures, the Bronzino Chapel and the Chapel of Eleonora: these are just a few of the magical things inside the Museum of the Palazzo Vecchio that functions as the City Hall in Florence, Italy. Festina Lente!
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