USA May Painting Workshops & More Art
In this issue of Borsheim Art News, 6 May 2023:
* Teaching: May 13 Mother's Day Tea and Paint, Sanford, NC
* Teaching: May 20: Cary, NC
* Figure Sculptures: Leaning Torso and Together and Alone
* Prints on Wood: Tuscan Table
* Texas visit as portrait commission manifests into bronze
* Upcoming Exhibit: Il Sacro nell'Arte Contemporanea, Tuscany
* Artist Vasily Fedorouk and Happy Mother's Day soon!
Dear Art lover,
"April showers bring May flowers," he keeps saying to me in his Italian accent, trying to learn this English phrase. But now yes, I am here in Virginia with family writing to you and enchanted by blooms everywhere, having visited Norfolk's Botanical Gardens. Happy May!
If you are anywhere near North Carolina soon and want to paint flowers, there are still a few slots in each of TWO different four-hour floral painting workshops I am teaching this month, starting next week!:
1) The Sanford Brush and Palette Club is hosting a Mother's Day Tea and Floral painting program on SATURDAY, May 13. Come paint with your mom or any friend and walk away with some new ways to explore painting. Details and sign-up are here:

2) On the following Saturday, The Carolina Mixed Media Art Guild (CMMAG) is hosting a class with me in floral painting on May 20 from 1:30 to 6:00 at the Cary Quilting Company. We have a few openings. Here is a flyer if you want details.
More information about the CMMAG in Cary, North Carolina, can be found here:

One of the joys of coming to the US is re-connecting with some of my art. I would like to show you two figure sculptures that have been popular. The first is a limited edition made from one of my very first sculptures in terra-cotta, Leaning Torso , on the left. I worked with a live model and built up the clay in a slab technique, creating her hollow.
The sculpture of the couple on the right is made of bronze (with a marble base) is titled Together and Alone.

Each sculpture shown here is available. Leaning Torso sells for $800, while the bronze couple sells for $4200. As usual, you may take advantage of my Layaway Plan in which you set the amount and the day of the month you wish to pay. No finance charge.
Add some culture and thoughtful works into your home life. It is meant to be enjoyed.
Tuscan Table:
Another favorite is this print on wood (the original Tuscan Table painting sold immediately). I painted this composition because it brought me comfort: memories of family gatherings, as well as the charm of old things as the proof of traditions and the continuing story of people being together in a positive way.

I received this lovely comment in the e-mail and here print it with permission:
Subject: Tuscan Table:
All I wanted to say after all this digital rigmarole is how good this painting is and how much I liked it. I found that, although superficially simple, it is more than it appears and Kelly has taken enormous trouble to find the right values and deal with detail and perspective where it had to be dealt with. The softness and beauty of the colours make it a lovely painting. I am trying to paint portraits and do this with realism as this is the only way I can judge whether or not I have painted well. I find it enormously rigorous and, because it seems so rare, am always struck by it when I see it in another. Bravo.
~ Andrew Harland
Where would you hang this 20 x 15 inch print on wood in your home? $400, including shipping if you mention this newsletter. Let me know, please.
This is a short video to let you see all-around the print on 1/2-inch thick wood panel:
Order here:
Uncle Stuart Portrait Bust:
Always multi-tasking, I am visiting the southeastern US for several reasons. My father celebrates a landmark birthday, other family visits after Covid (including meeting my newest nephew!), and . . .
I will soon be on my way over to central Texas to work with a bronze foundry on the portrait commission I have been creating in plastilina (a wax-based clay) for months now.

Check out the many progress videos on my YouTube channel as I built up the shapes of the face and upper body of this man's portrait. As I find time, I will add even more of the final stages in the process as this original sculpture becomes a bronze work of art.
A new posting (free to all to view):
Video link:
I will be working with the foundry on the wax stage this trip. And later will return to finish up the bronze work, and possibly also the installation on the Texas ranch.
You may follow my progress in a couple of places, namely YouTube, Patreon (for posts that only art patrons there can see), and occasionally on other social media, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Exhibit: Il Sacro nell'Arte Contemporanea (The Sacred in Contemporary Art):
Covid changed so many lives and at times, in unexpected ways. After being asked in late 2019 to create a painting with the theme of the sacred, I chose the subject of Ruth in the Bible. Through her goodness, loyalty, hard work, and I imagine some other virtues, she ended up becoming the great grandmother of the Goliath-slaying David. [However, put that way, it seems a dubious honor. Best to know the context of why David became famous: the triumph of the little guy against a mighty oppressor. There, that sounds better, doesn't it?]
The group exhibit is finally happening from July through to September this summer in an ancient church dating to 979 A.D. in Tuscany, Italy. It is called La Pieve in Castelvecchio. I will write more about this church and the painting I created in the next newsletter.
Celebrating Motherhood with this gorgeous sculpture by Ukrainian-American sculptor Vasily Fedorouk. He carved this piece at my home in central Texas during a stone carving workshop that we both taught together. The movement of the baby, as well as the tiny face is charming. The green marble works with many colors of decor. This is a tabletop stone sculpture.

See details here:
I hope you enjoy the things you see here. If not, please visit my site and have a look around. Too much ugly in the world means that we should surround ourselves with what moves us and brings peace, at the very least. Ask me if I can create something you have dreamed up.
Happy Mother's Day soon. I hope that our paths cross sometime soon.
Kelly Borsheim, artist
See how the art is created: Subscribe to my YouTube channel!
If you would like to see more behind-the-scenes posts about my artistic life, you may become a patron of the art at any level at: