- Pastel on Pastelbord
- 9 x 12 inches
- Available, Framed
- Ships from Norfolk, Virginia, ready to hang
Libri Riviste E Fumetti
Back to memories of Florence, Italy: I knew that at some point I would paint Piazza Ciompi in Florence. There is a seemingly random-appearing raised platform of stone with square columns and repeating arches over it, right next to a flea market - antique shops that are more like sheds. This platform appears to have had no purpose other than marking one part of an edge of this mid-sized piazza or shelter from the rain.
During one of my many walks past this structure, I noticed the light filtering into the city and between these square columns. To my delight, a young woman was enjoying a moment in the winter sun reading her book while leaning against one of these columns. I stopped in my tracks and began to work out the painting in my mind. Later, as I got closer, I realized that she is a friend of mine! Even better.
This pastel painting (only a 9" x 12" on panel) is titled after the sign on the "shed" behind the reading girl. It says simply, "Libri, Riviste E Fumetti", Italian for "Books, Magazines, and Comic Books."
~ Kelly Borsheim
P.S. In 2017 or 2018, the flea and antiques market in Piazza Ciompi was moved to Piazza Annigoni, not so far away. Piazza Ciompi was then cleared of the sheds and asbestos and given a make-over, including some trees. The little shops will not return, but the space is cleaner and will hopefully accommodate a livelier scene in the city center.