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Free Gift; Persephone and Helping Hands

Dear Art lover,

     Do you enjoy your home?  I ask because recently Tuscany moved into an orange zone, then days later, a Red Zone for Covid.  2020 seems to be the year to BE at home.  There is little idea how long this situation will really last.  I hope that you are improving what you feel would make you love your home.  And taking this time, if you happen to be one who has more of that now, to learn something new or try something you dreamed of doing.

     I have TWO new artworks to share with you and then a gift.  This first is titled "Helping Hands" and it is a stone carving in black Bardiglio marble.   What started out as an idea inspired by the infinity symbol, not unlike my bas-relief sculpture for the traditional 8th anniversary gift:  Infinity Bronze
     Here is a taste.  To see more and see the inspiration received by my landlord, click on the link to see the carving and the finished figure sculpture.

Helping Hands

Detail of marble carving Helping Hands man helps woman to her feet


Here is a video you may find of interest: 

How to safely package sculpture for shipping:

Sisters marble sculpture packaged and shipped safely to new home in Texas

This sculpture arrived safely to Austin, Texas and her new owners absolutely love her... or hers?  Watch the video to see how I created safe and specific packaging.

Other helpful art-related videos are on my channel here:


Become an Art Patron
      Thank you so much to my patrons on Patreon!  I just finished taking a course on color with Casey Klahn in Seattle, an artist I have admired for over ten years.  In the online class, we used pastels, but we worked more with understanding color, terminology, and trying to find our natural taste or voice in color.  It was a Beta class to help Casey clarify some of his latest color teaching techniques and I jumped at the opportunity using some of the funds from my charming patrons. 

So, THANK YOU Patrons:  Sheila, Shirley, Travis, Richard, Jeanne, Lloyd, and Igor!
     Get EXTRA behind-the-scenes images and stories (not usually found on any other social media posts) ad my patron at any level here:

Free Gift for Special Patrons, as well as Buyers of My Art over $1500 in 2020.

     NOW, an announcement:  All Patreon patrons at the $13 support level and up, or anyone who has bought any of my artworks for $1500 or more in this difficult year of 2020 will be receiving a free gift from me to your doorstep.  

     The first wave of these will be mailed out around 1 December, in case you would like to use the gift as a gift for someone else or as an activity to share during the holidays.  Offer expires when 2020 does.

Become an Arts Patron
     This could be a great time to upgrade your level of participation in this art journey or browse through some of

my art online at

or even on Etsy:




     This next artwork I would like to share with you is another self-portrait depicting the time in my life when I was moving back and forth from central Texas to Italy.  The situation reminded me of the Greek myth of Persephone, the story of why we have the seasons.  Michelangelo was my narcissus flower and this architectural design he created is a subtle part of this composition.  

     I show you this drawing first because the painting contains a nude and perhaps only those interested should click on the link and read more about how this composition came to be.

Michelangelo architectural drawing of fortress for Porta al Prato in Florence Italy



Gift Card:

     Want to give an art gift but unsure of how it will be received?  Allow your loved one to choose the artwork herself!  

     I will hand decorate a gift card in any amount you wish.  I will mail you the real art gift card, or send it to you digitally, in case the shipping arrives too late.  A gift card allows the receiver to choose what pleases, leaving your doubts behind.
And you may order as late as the LAST MINUTE!  How convenient.

Gift Certificate for ART from Borsheim Arts Studio


     A couple navigates together the topsy-turvy world with the ever-present apple. This ceramic sculpture by my friend and mentor Vasily is a delightful expression of love and challenges that couples face. It is a small table top piece [perhaps about 12 inches tall?] and sells for $2200.

Unison ceramic sculpture of Adam and Eve with apple

     Please visit the site and contact either Dilbara, Vasily's wife, or me, if you are interested in collecting any of his available works.



My Solo Art Exhibit During Covid Virus

     My show "Stories" was supposed to be from 24 October through to Thursday, 12 November at an art gallery in Pescia in Tuscany, Italy.  However, on Monday evening the 9th of Nov, we got word that on Wednesday, all of Tuscany region would be deemed an Orange Zone and that meant that we are all confined to our Comune [town seat].  Luckily, I live in the hills where Pescia is our Comune.

The provincia di Pistoia's newspaper and this one covered the event in Tuscany:

     I spent Tuesday driving to Firenze to help a friend load up my little car with as many of her sculptures, tools, and personal things she wanted to leave in Italy to move to storage in my home.  She is losing her flat in Italy due to Covid (no work to pay rent and the landlord wants to remake her flat to gain more money once travel is opened up again).

     On Wednesday, I met an interested party at the gallery and gallerist Stefano invited me to keep the exhibit up for another week since he canceled the artist scheduled to open that Saturday.  GREAT, despite only 2 people being allowed in the space at any given time. 

     However, Friday, we got word that come Sunday, all of Tuscany would be in a RED ZONE.  That meant a more severe lockdown, as we did in the spring.  The Bottega d'Arte Salvadori would only be open by appointment and people were required to stay home, except for emergencies and necessary work.

     I decided to go to the gallery the next day during normal business hours and remove all of my art before lockdown the day after.  They do a great business there and I love how honest and good that family is, but it just seemed the better thing to do so my hands were not tied.

     However, during opening night, I made two short videos to give a virtual tour of the exhibit.  See my recent solo show during Covid (in English):

The same exhibit, but this video is in my broken Italian:


Peace and thanks [And Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it.  I cannot imagine life without gratitude],

~ Kelly Borsheim, sculptor, painter, writer
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