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Borsheim Art News - USA Art Tour, Luminosity, Unison, Art Exhibits

Borsheim Art Newsletter:

by artist Kelly Borsheim
copyright 14 March 2019

CONTENTS of Borsheim Art News:

* USA Art Tour: Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Indianapolis, Virginia
* NEW: Luminosity - a Diptych Figure Painting
* Cultural Event : Valleriana, Tuscany
* Vasily Fedorouk: Unison Ceramic Sculpture
* Youtube, Instagram, and FineArtAmerica
* Blog Highlights: Selling Stone
* Subscription Info.

Dear Art Lover,

     Things are falling into place nicely and I hope that all of the driving I must do around the USA in about a month will give me the opportunity to see you at one or more of the following events:

2019 Calendar [scroll down for details]:

*April 14: The Palms of Sanford, Florida
*April 26-28: SculptFest, Round Rock, Texas
*May 3 - 5: Sculpture at the River Market, Little Rock, Arkansas
*May 7 [Tuesday]: The Franklin Barry Gallery, Indianapolis
*May 11-12 weekend: Norfolk, Virginia with details to follow

FLORIDA, 14 April:

     This first event will happen just outside of Orlando, Florida, in a small community called Sanford. The setting is a historical home near 25th St & Upsala Rd, Sanford, Florida 32771

     Our event with hosts Alex and Amber Babcock will be on a Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m., 14 April. You will get to see the marble sculptures Gymnast and Stargazer on exhibit, as well as several smaller bronzes and more. We should also have some copies of my book "My Life as a Street Painter in Florence, Italy" on hand for sale and book-signing.

     This historical landmark home itself is a treasure, one of the oldest homes in central Florida. She recently received a new roof from damage from two hurricanes ago. So, you will see her in her new and happy glory!

Gymnast Marble Sculpture, The Palms of Sanford, Florida
Gymnast Marble Sculpture, The Palms of Sanford, Florida

TEXAS, 26-28 April:

     Then the second event is all about sculpture. This is SculptFest with the Texas Society of Sculptors. TSOS is a group that I was a key part of when I first began studying sculpture and I am thrilled that they have not forgotten me or the work that I did [writing and publishing the newsletter, VP membership database, treasurer, and Webmaster]. It was a lot of work but I learned so much and am grateful that several of long-time artists got me involved to the degree that I was.

     Sculptfest will feature about 60 sculptors in a three-day event that is free to attend.

     Dates: 26 - 28 April, Easter weekend, Main Street District on Centennial Plaza in Round Rock, Texas, just north of Austin.

For more information, please visit:


ARKANSAS, 3-5 May:

     This will be my first exhibit in Little Rock, and I am thrilled to be able to participate at the big Sculpture at the River Market festival.

     The event is three days, May 3-5, and features almost 50 professional sculptors and their work. You may also stroll through the Vogel Schwartz Sculpture Garden, where the majority of the 90 public sculptures in Little Rock are on display.

Friday, May 3: 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
River Market Pavilions
Music · Food · Drinks
Attire: Business Casual
Tickets: $100

ORDER TICKETS TO PREVIEW PARTY on the site link below.

     Be the first to select from more than 400 works by the nation's top artists. Vote for the next monument sculpture to be placed in Little Rock!

Saturday, May 4: 10 AM - 5 PM
Sunday, May 5 12 PM - 4 PM

2019 May 3, Sculptacular Event
2019 May 3, Sculptacular Event


     Then on Tuesday, 7 May, I will be in the Franklin Barry Gallery [aka The Frame Shop] at 617 Massachusetts Avenue in Indianapolis, visiting Don Elliott and his framer Chuck.
Come on by between 2 to 5 p.m. if you can since I would love to see you.

     Here Don and I pose with one of my drawings [copy of famous dead artist] two years ago, with other art by me in the background.

Don and Kelly at The Frame Shop, Indy
Don and Kelly at The Frame Shop, Indy

And check this out for available artworks in Indy [less than TWO MINUTES!]

Franklin Barry Gallery / The Frame Shop
617 Massachusetts Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Tel. 317.822.8455
Contact: Don Elliott:


     May 11-12 weekend: Norfolk, Virginia with details to follow, but if you would like to be on the invite list, please write me to let me know.

Here is a taste:

Norfolk, Virginia, future art events in private home
Norfolk, VA, future art events

Luminosity Painting

Artist Kelly Borsheim with Luminosity Diptych. Photo by Paul Edwards
Artist Kelly Borsheim with Luminosity Diptych. Photo by Paul Edwards

     Two different people are focused on the flames of candles. One is praying; the other playing. I drew from the Druid and Celtic symbols to enhance the story-telling element in these images of the figures and fire.

     The Awen, on the left with the woman, is the symbol for inspiration. The Awen consists of at least the three long rays of light [but often with circles, too]. There is an obvious trilogy, but there are many interpretations of what those three qualities are. I chose the design that can be interpreted as the outer rays representing both the male and the female energies, with the middle being the combined shape that is interpreted as balance. The Awen is a bit like the Celtic yin yang. The Druids use this symbol as a way to express that light illuminates the darkness with nature, knowledge and truth.

     Celtic knot work generally symbolizes eternity and the interconnection of things. One definition of luminosity is "brilliant intellectually; enlightened or enlightening." Flames, in this case, are a means of focus and meditation.

And per the dictionary,

Luminosity: the quality of being intellectually brilliant, enlightened, inspired, etc.

     This is / these are a mostly monochromatic painting pair using Van Dyke Brown [by Rembrandt], yielding a slightly warmer feel than pure black and white. There are silver (metallic) highlights added within the light of the flames, as well as along the Celtic designs. The following is an image of me, the artist Kelly Borsheim, standing next to the canvases. Photo by Paul Edwards.

Luminosity - Diptych
oil on two canvases
22 x 37 inches together [she = 22 x 15.75 in.; he = 22 x 21.25 in.]
copyright 2019 Kelly Borsheim

$3200 together. please inquire if you desire purchasing one or the other separately

Cultural Event : Valleriana, Tuscany

Natura, Arte & Sapori - Nature, Art, and Flavors

     I was thrilled to be invited to exhibit my paintings, drawings, and sculptures last Sunday at my local restaurant, La Pieve, in Castelvecchio, Italia. It was the day of the annual "Sagra del Neccio" [Festival of the Chestnut Pancake] in the neighboring village of San Quirico.

     And our friend Danilo Giusti offered a trekking tour of three of Valleriana in Tuscany's villages: Aramo, Castelvecchio, and San Quirico, starting in Pescia and ending at the sagra.

     We are working together to pull more tourists and visitors to help the challenged economy in the mountains. For all of the businesses that have moved away, we will always have Nature and the charms of these old stone buildings and history. It made sense to pool our activities to give people more than one reason to come on up. It worked rather well, actually, despite the rain. Sadly, the sagra had to shut down in the early evening due to rain. Theirs is an outdoor event in the main piazza of the little stone village.

     However, Danilo took his group with rain gear and they all had a great time, stopping to see my exhibition and demo, while having a coffee at La Pieve. I got the whole covered terrace for my art since it is still too cold for Italians to sit outside to dine.

     And then, what cultural event in Tuscany would be complete without a wild boar (and her SIX babies) running around right in front of us?

Kelly demonstrating a new painting
Kelly demonstrating a new painting

Art Exhibit at La Pieve Castelvecchio, Tuscany
Exhibit at La Pieve Castelvecchio, Tuscany

Cinghiale (Wild Boar) Mamma & 6 Babies Tuscany Italy
Cinghiale (Wild Boar) Mamma & 6 Babies

Valleriana Visit

     Valleriana is the collective name of TEN "castled" villages in the district of Pistoia in Tuscany. Pescia is our nearest large town with train and bus stations. The hills are absolutely lovely here and the location is not far from some of the most beloved places in Italy.

     To aid your visit, I have started a Web site in English as a guide to Valleriana. It includes where to stay, where to eat, what to do, and images of our area.

     If you would like to visit Valleriana while you are in Tuscany, I hope this site can be a resource for you. Also, I offer art workshops from a half-day to a full week or more, depending on your desires, minimum two participants. Enjoy paradise with me and make some art to boot! [little pun on Italy]

Vasily Fedorouk: Unison

     A couple navigates together the topsy-turvy world with the ever-present apple. This ceramic sculpture by my friend and mentor Vasily is a delightful expression of love and challenges that couples face. It is a small table top piece and sells for $2200.

     Please visit the site and contact either Dilbara, Vasily's wife, or me, if you are interested in collecting any of his available works.

[This year marks the 10th anniversary of Vasily's tragic death.]

Unison, Couple Relationship Ceramic Sculpture by Vasily Fedorouk
Unison, Ceramic Sculpture by Vasily Fedorouk

You are so necessary for the culture you desire.

     There are many ways to support the art that you enjoy seeing and touching. Here are a few suggestions:

* My Patreon page is here:
Even $1 a month does a lot.

* Fine Art America [FAA], my art on a variety of products. If you do not see your favorite image, please ask me and I will upload the one you want so that you may order whatever you like.

* Watch, like, subscribe, and share my art-making videos on YouTube:

* Follow me and share my posts on Facebook and Instagram. I have two pages on Facebook, one professional and one more social. Connect as you wish.

* Sculptors and students: Buy my uncut stone that exists in central Texas: I have a variety of rocks that I hate to part with, but it is more difficult to work in two countries and much of it I must allow other carvers to turn into lovely art.

* Oh, and the obvious: BUY art when you can; BUY when something moves you. Or just BUY art and hang it over your couch. It is the choices we make that show off our personalities and it is a joy to create your surroundings to your own liking.


Kelly Borsheim

Contact The Artist

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