- Stone (Pietra Serena, a grey sandstone)
- About a Meter High
- Permanent Collection of Parco di Pinocchio, Collodi, Tuscany, Italy
- by sculptor Kelly Borsheim
Pinocchio sul Colombo (Pinocchio rides the Dove)
Pietra Serena, an Italian grey sandstone from Cava Nardini, the last working quarry in Valleriana, in Tuscany, Italy
Pinocchio Park Installation in Collodi, Tuscany, Fall 2016.
The pilot goggles were an "after design" decision, and therefore an added piece of stone. However, I was not there the days the guys decided they had time to drill the holes to attach the goggles... and subsequently, they are in the wrong place! I intended for them to rest of that famous wooden nose of Pinocchio. Boh!
I was in the United States during the art reception in April 2017. I was, however, thrilled that I was invited to see the installation of my work the autumn before. The sculptor who arranged all of this wanted to put the piece on a high base and face the bird and puppet towards a building, thinking that this showed off the best sides. I wanted the piece lower to the ground so kid's could see and touch (and hide the too-high goggle gap), and also point the bird between the trees. Why would a bird fly into a building? Here, I am checking the position before marking and mounting.
Here is a map of the children's park in Collodi, Tuscany, Italy. The red arrow shows the location of my stone carving, Pinocchio on the Dove.
News article announcing the installation and reception (Inaugurazione):