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A Marble, a Mural, a Mostra, and a Man ~ Borsheim Art News October 2020

Dear Art lover,

     How ARE you?  I was feeling like the last thing people are thinking about is art because of all of this uncertainty during Covid's unforgettable year.  But it turns out that we ARE a resilient species and we can and DO still think of more than two things at once.  Yay.  

La Mostra (Exhibition, in Italian):

      Here in Tuscany, my solo show from May was postponed and it will now open NEXT Weekend on the 24th!  The title is "Stories" and the exhibit debuts in the center of Tuscany, Italy, a small town called Pescia, the City of Flowers.  
      I asked the gallerist Stefano Salvadori why he did not keep the title in Italian.  He said, "The words are similar enough ('Storie' in Italian) that there will not be any confusion on the meaning, yet English is cool."  haha...   so perhaps it is true that we are often enchanted by the exoticism of others.

       For the art opening on Saturday, 24 October, 5 p.m., we will have new and more strict controls in place due to the increasing fear of the spread of this too-long-lasting virus.  There will be no food or drink (so no removing of masks), and there is a limit of five people inside the gallery at any one time, reservations required (for the opening only).  Luckily, the gallery is arranged in a U-shape, with glass all-round.  Even when the gallery is closed, one may see the art inside with relative ease.

     The show continues through November 12, 2020.  By the next newsletter,  I will share with you the entire exhibit online.

Have you attended any art events this year?  If so, I am curious how it went and what part of the world you are in.  Did you have to take any unusual precautions?

Invitation flyer to Stories a solo art exhibition by Kelly Borsheim

A Taste, a tease:

Here is a sneak peak at some of the story-telling artworks that will be on exhibit in Pescia, Italy, soon.

A detail from The Curiosity of Pandora:
Detail of The Curiosity of Pandora, a woman's face and a spider

This next image is an architectural drawing by THE Michelangelo for the Porta al Prato (the door to Prato, a city north of Florence, Italy).  It has never been realized.  However, it made it into one of my paintings.  In my next newsletter, I will show you how.

Architectural drawing by Michelangelo that looks like a fortress, no?


A Marble:

     Now, two LOVELY ladies actually wrote to me last April or May to commission a contemporary portrait of them in the famous Carrara marble.  I felt fortunate that I had a block of marble at home with me during the quarantine and thus, I was able to start right away.  And here she is in all of her complete glory. 

Sisters, a commission stone carving portrait sculpture in white marble from Carrara, Italy

3/4 view Sisters, a commission stone carving portrait sculpture in white marble from Carrara, Italy


    The title is Sisters, and once I finish photographing her and building her (or their?) shipping box, she will go meet her happy art collectors in Texas.

Profile view Sisters, a commission stone carving portrait sculpture in white marble from Carrara, Italy
Carrara marble carving contemporary art sculpture Sisters by Kelly Borsheim

     Some of the stone carving process videos are public and available on my channel on YouTube here:

     Extra behind-the-scenes images and stories (69 posts thus far, how about that?) are enjoyed by my patrons at any level here:

including this post, which includes the first video I have published about how to photograph sculpture:

First video published about how to photograph sculpture by Kelly Borsheim


A Mural:

     I have wanted to paint another mural for some time now.  This one is small but I suspect it shall be useful to me for a long time.  Originally, I wanted to use it as a dark backdrop for two white marble sculptures by my friend Vasily Fedorouk that are part of my personal art collection.  But as I got closer to finishing the Sisters marble carving above, I began to think I needed a dark background sooner than later.  While I carved stone during the daylight hours, most of this mural was painted in a few hours over several evenings after dinner.

     If you would like to see more of the mural (or are curious about what my bedroom looks like), click here:


     And on YouTube, I have also posted a video about the composition and design decisions I made for this new multi-purpose mural.  Check it out (free) here:


A Man:

     Finishing out the series of Ms in the subject line of this e-mail is the MAN ~ Vasily Fedorouk.   You may note how much I love his work because I have a small collection of it.  But I would be thrilled to spread the word and allow you to enhance your life with his lovely compositions.

     Below you will see two artworks featured.  The first is his self-portrait in ceramic.  His wife told me that he titled the art simply, Sculptor.  I like the star behind the man's head in this snapshot that I took while visiting the Fedorouk family outside of their home in Chicago.

     The second is a wonderful deep green marble carving that he started in my former home in Texas during a stone carving workshop that we taught together.  I find this Maternity II composition charming in the way that the baby wiggles on his mother's lap, as she looks up to the heavens.  Looking upwards is a common pose that Vasily used, especially when feeling hopeful.

     And I have created a Featured Collection of this guest artist's work on my own site.  Check it out here:

     I will add more after my art exhibition opens soon.  In the meantime, you may see a lot more of Vasily's art (including paintings) at his site:


Self-portrait of sculpture as a crucified Christ in ceramic art Vasily Fedorouk

12 x 12 x 12 inches
Ceramic Self-Portrait
by Vasily Fedorouk
$1600  US

Maternity II Mother and Child stone carving in dark green marble by Vasily Fedorouk

Maternity II
13.5 x 5 x 6.5 inches
Green Marble
copyright 2006 Vasily Fedorouk
$6,200  US

     Let me know if I may help you put some art joy into your life, and have fun browsing through my Etsy shop and my own new site.  Links are below.

Peace and thanks,

~ Kelly Borsheim, sculptor, painter, writer

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2 則留言

  • Thank you, Heather! For the thoughts and support, but also because you may be the first commenter on my new site’s blog… which means I missed a notification and have much more to learn still. hahah.
    Stay healthy and fun. Hugs, Kelly

    Kelly Borsheim
  • Very nice Kelly. Glad things are going well.😍

    Heather Leiterman
