- 22.5 h x 18 x 7 inches
- one-of-a-kind granite (stone) sculpture
- copyright 2000 Vasily Fedorouk
- Price: $ 6,800 USD [payment plan available]
- Shipping in USA included, contact us for international rates
This is a another great example of Vasily's voice in his figurative art. In this original stone carving in hard granite, you see a man looking behind him as he sits on top of his horse. This beautiful tabletop or garden sculpture is all one piece. You see a tone difference because he brought to a fine polish the man and horse, whereas the base (waves?) part of the sculpture is left as raw cut stone (which makes it lighter than polished stone).
I find this title curious and a little tongue-in-cheek, as if trust does not truly exist.
~ Kelly Borsheim about the sculpture by Vasily Fedorouk (d. 2009)
Please visit the site and contact either Dilbara, Vasily’s wife [via his Web site], or me, if you are interested in collecting any of his available works.
Or buy from BorsheimArts.com (this page). Ships from Chicago area, USA.