Original Oil Painting Florentia
- Oil on Canvas
- 32 x 16 x 2 in [80 x 40 cm]
- Available and framed, Ships from Norfolk, Virginia
This painting was inspired by one of four allegorical sculptures in the art collection of Florence, Italy's famous Pitti Palace. The colored swirls are inspired by the calligraphy so typical of the Renaissance City. There is a touch of metallic in some of the curling shapes, although in the painting Florentia, the metallic is a copper color to work with the warmth of this original painting. Traditional Florentine calligraphy uses a gold metallic.
Florentia is beautifully framed. The play of window light on the sculpture in the museum fascinated me. I wanted to know how precise in tone and roundness could I be while using a transparent paint (asphaltum). At a specific point in the drying time, I often used my fingers to blend or remove uneven applications of pigment and, in part, to paint some of the more translucent areas. Titanium White was added just in the highlights to really make the figure zing!
This painting was part of the exhibit Luce dall'oscurità (Light from Darkness) in Florence, Italy 2009. My landlady at the time, Doria, named the painting for me.
Payments planned are often accepted, with no finance charge [ever]. You set the date and the amount you wish to pay each month. One-third [whenever you reach that point] is non-refundable. However, if you change your mind about adding this work to your collection, then you may apply the deposit or your current balance to any other available Borsheim artwork. No risk!
Thanks so much for your interest and patronage.
~Kelly Borsheim, artist