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painting of body crop of seated woman with legs crossed and hand resting between her legs.  A drape covers her hips.  acrylic painting
Figure painting Gillian Draped hangs on a wall in a cozy loft appartment with candles lit for meditation
detail of painting showing the brushstrokes of the woman's hand resting over her ankles
Painting of a female model hangs over a man's bedroom
Framed figure painting of woman's legs and lower torso enhances this contemporary bedroom scene
Framed painting of female body on the wall of monochromatic brown living room. Bronze sculpure Together and Alone sits on a small table on the right. Both artworks by Kelly Borsheim
faux frame to show how the figure painting might look in a minimalist bedroom
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 painting of body crop of seated woman with legs crossed and hand resting between her legs.  A drape covers her hips.  acrylic painting
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Figure painting Gillian Draped hangs on a wall in a cozy loft appartment with candles lit for meditation
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 detail of painting showing the brushstrokes of the woman's hand resting over her ankles
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Painting of a female model hangs over a man's bedroom
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Framed figure painting of woman's legs and lower torso enhances this contemporary bedroom scene
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Framed painting of female body on the wall of monochromatic brown living room. Bronze sculpure Together and Alone sits on a small table on the right. Both artworks by Kelly Borsheim
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 faux frame to show how the figure painting might look in a minimalist bedroom

Gillian Draped ~ Large Body Parts Painting

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Gillian Draped ~ Painting for Peaceful Meditation

  • 24" h X 48"  (2 x 4 feet)
  • Acrylic Painting on Canvas
  • © 2003  Kelly Borsheim
  • Available

     Gillian Draped is an acrylic artwork painted from a live modeling session in Austin, Texas.  It was 2003 and at a time in which I was curious about how large could I go during a short number of hours with the model (in this case, 3 sessions of 3 hours each, once per week).

     I chose a two by four-foot canvas, mostly monochromatic colors, including gold and bronze metallic paints, and several of my favorite brushes.  I had been painting body crops in live model sessions for a long time at this point.  I find them as fascinating as I do photographs of the closeup of butterfly wings, flowers, and more.

     The drapery casually resting over the model's lap gave me opportunities for the metallics to enter the composition, as well as to add wavelike shapes to the very light-colored skin.  Her hand rested peacefully into the hollow between her crossed legs.  The challenging thing about painting fabric draped over a live model is that the fabric is never draped the same way twice.  Every 20 minutes, the model takes a break to stretch her legs and put movement back into her muscles.

     I often included a hand (or a foot) in my body crops.  It is a part of the anatomy that we use to communicate with one another, and visually, can be a focal point with its smaller details as compared to the larger shapes of legs and torso.

     I like this painting.  Maybe odd for an artist to pick favorites, but we are just like you!  I envision placing her in a peaceful spot, to aid meditation, to help those who see her to notice the beautiful details in every living thing.

     The brown frame is not in the best condition.  I bought it used from another artist and painted it to match "Gillian Draped."  If you want it, I will include it when shipping the painting, otherwise, I may send the painting alone.


Ships from Norfolk, Virginia.

     If interested in adding her to your art collection, please:

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