Let us go WILD! Tango & New Leopard Drawing, Sculptures, Home Designs
Dear Art Lover,
August! As we enter my favorite season (you know the fun happens in transitions, right?), I want to show you some new artwork!
She seems so sweet and tame, but watch those SPOTS! This empowered woman has a spotted leopard as her spirit animal. The big ghostly cat is in stalking mode, staring directly at the viewer. The woman, wearing a polka dot dress, is posing (feline stretching?), relaxed, but looking off to our left, as if lost in her dreams. She is aware, yet calm. For now.
- 18 x 25 inches (46 x 64 cm)
- charcoal and pastel on Roma-brand Italian ridged paper
- copyright 2021 by Kelly Borsheim
- $1,600 US, includes shipping
SALE NOW! Ends 31 August 2021:
20% off on all listing in this shop...
Customize your home decor now. Prices start around $4 and go up. [Order art as instant digital downloads to print yourself, or order prints that I create on fine art paper, or some original art available here... check it out!]
Sale ends when August does.
Prints of Spotted: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1055572491/leopard-with-woman-illustration-print
Other images available, such as this new one of Venetian boats, a pastel:
Discover more charcoal drawings here: https://borsheimarts.com/collections/charcoal-drawings
Introducing TANGO, a stone carving by Vasily Fedorouk
This romantic and sexy stone carving Tango [see above image on the right] by Vasily Fedorouk features a couple dancing so close to one another that the woman can suck on the ear of her man. Add some fun flirting art to your home environment... this sculpture is a gem and priced to sell.
This artwork will ship from Chicago, Illinois, in the USA. Please supply your mailing address for a shipping quote.
Discover more about Ukrainian-American artist Vasily Fedorouk here:
- Size: 24 h x 9 w x 6 d inches
- Alaskan marble Stone sculpture
- copyright and art by Vasily Fedorouk
- $5,500
Discover more views of this wonderful sculpture Tango by Vasily:

Behind the scenes information and visuals for patrons, as little as $2 per month, no contract, start and stop at any time!
Here is some sample content, in this case, watching from start to finish (some fast mode) the creation of a small pastel painting of Venetian boats on a canal in the Serenissima island city in Italy. [this was an advanced preview post, now available to the public:]
Find me on Patreon here:
You will also be able to watch the progress on my marble carving Atlas or more accurately When Atlas Tires.
Patrons see more, but a few of these process videos can be seen on my YouTube channel.... choose the Playlists in the Menu Bar on my page here:
After Playlists, select the subject that interests you, such as "Stone Carving Process." Happy art watching!
Designer Dragana Adamov - Going WILD, too!
If you love these designs by my dear friend Dragana Adamov, a Serbian designer living and working in Florence, Italy, we will be adding more to the site soon. Tigers jumping out of shoes! Dragana is enamored with shoes and these drawings show some of her creativity.
Several designs are on my site and right now, you may order them as plates for dining or for wall decor, or scarves so you can be stylin' while out carousing. Click on her name in bold above to see our collection here.
Kumiko Suzuki Shapes the Female Figure
This is a lovely shapely female portrait with torso.. a ceramic sculpture that is a delight in form. My close friend Kumiko specializes in the female form, as well as other things in the natural world, such as seeds and mushrooms.
- terra-cotta nude sculpture of woman
- 35 h x 25 x 20 cm (about 14 h x 10 x 8 inches)
- by Kumiko Suzuki
- $1200 US
For more information, check out her page here: https://borsheimarts.com/products/kumiko-suzuki-nara-terracotta-figure-black-woman-nude
This has nothing to do with anything, but I find this creature fascinating to watch. Do you?
Hummingbird Moth video [see it on my YouTube channel, subscribe if you like]:
The Hummingbird MOTH in Italy... Photos and videos by Kelly Borsheim
Thank you for sharing this newsletter and sending me your requests, questions, or comments.
Thanks again for watching and sharing.
~ Kelly Borsheim, sculptor, painter, writer
P.S. Where to find me:
See inside the artist's studio of creations as happening: https://www.patreon.com/KellyBorsheim
Etsy - Fine Art Prints https://www.etsy.com/shop/borsheimarts
Etsy - Photography https://www.etsy.com/shop/BorsheimArtsStudio
Puzzles, towels, art on products: https://pixels.com/profiles/1-kelly-borsheim
Dragana Adamov - https://borsheimarts.com/search?q=dragana&options%5Bprefix%5D=last
Vasily Fedorouk - https://borsheimarts.com/search?q=vasily&options%5Bprefix%5D=last
Charles Umlauf - https://borsheimarts.com/products/charles-umlauf-bronze-sculpture-the-kiss
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Use the magnifying glass icon to search for anything you desire on my entire site. And then take advantage of this (link in the menu bar):
Gift Certificate - Instant Savings around 10% https://borsheimarts.com/products/gift-certificate-for-art-prints-or-art-on-products
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