This charming active bronze composition is a favorite at the Charles Umlauf Sculpture Garden & Museum in Austin, Texas, USA. This is the smaller version of the large bronze statue that stands in the center of a pond in the museum. What I personally love about this Kiss sculpture is how the woman's foot seems bent to the max on the outstretched leg because the kiss is THAT GOOD.
Such a romantic piece, with its high texture, black stone base, and charming pose of an amorous couple.
Charles Umlauf (July 17, 1911 – November 19, 1994) was an American sculptor and teacher. He also worked in Pietrasanta, Italy, where I noticed a large bozzetto (plaster model) of one of his Eve with apple sculptures.
This sculpture was purchased directly from the Umlauf family in 2011. And now, we offer it to some lucky and smart collector. The sculpture weighs 37 pounds and if not picked up in Austin, Texas, USA, it will be well-crated and shipped worldwide once full payment is received.
Find out more about the artist Charles Umlauf here:
Payment plans are available if you need or want, please contact Borsheim Arts Studio if interested.