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Broken Back

Dear Art lover,
     I had a very different newsletter planned for the end of July.  And here it is the first of August.

     I discovered on my 59th birthday yesterday that I have THIRTY TWO metal staples in my back.  The bandage was changed for the first time since leaving the hospital in Livorno, Italy, last Saturday afternoon.  I knew there were staples, but seeing the image was shocking.  They are scheduled to come out on 7 August.

     My siblings set up this page to share the story.  If interested, click here:

     I still have a lot of pain, naturally, but the docs had me walking out of the hospital.  I am recuperating in Viareggio, and the doc expects just over a month recovery.  It is too early for me to see that far ahead.  I know that I am lucky because it could have been much worse, but I would not recommend this situation to anyone.

artist kelly borsheim on stretcher carried off the beach in Viareggio Italy with broken back

     Will write more later, as I can.
Thank you for following my art and career.  Share this link above if so moved.




P.S.   If you find something you like, there is no more helpful time than to buy it now:

~ Kelly Borsheim, sculptor, painter, writer

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Thank you! 

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