Buskers in Firenze
- Oil on Thick Maple Panel
- 16 x 12 x 3"
- Available and Framed
Buskers in Firenze - Original Figurative Oil Painting
As a street painter in Florence, Italy, (Firenze, Italia) I have gotten to know a couple of the buskers (street performers) that work not far from where I re-create masterpieces of Italian art in the street. This painting is of Francis (the French mime) and Mimito (the Italian ... Man of the Wind). I must say that these street performers make perfect models, holding still for longer than most tourists even see.
I created this figurative oil painting in January 2011 for the Salon International Oil Painting Competition 2011 hosted by the Greenhouse Gallery of Fine Art in San Antonio, Texas. Buskers in Firenze was chosen to be among the 430 paintings from thousands of entries worldwide to be in the Salon exhibition in April 2011. When I arrived on opening night, I was elated to see that the judge Daniel E. Greene had awarded this paintings of my European performer friends an Honorable Mention award!
~ Kelly Borsheim
P.S. If you prefer prints (with several sizes available), go here:

Payments planned are often accepted, with no finance charge [ever]. You set the date and the amount you wish to pay each month. One-third [whenever you reach that point] is non-refundable. However, if you change your mind about adding this work to your collection, then you may apply the deposit to any other available Borsheim artwork. No risk!
Thanks so much for your interest and patronage. I hope that you, too, be see the magic in Florence, Italy.
Kelly Borsheim, artist
Italian comment by one of the Mime Models:
On his Facebook page, my friend and model Maurizio Mimito Stefanizzi - Il sorrydista, l'uomo DI-VENTO (The Man of the Wind) wrote:
Questo quadro lo ha realizzato una mia amica americana "Kelly Borsheim Artist" Pittrice e madonnara a Firenze. Il soggetto nel dipinto oltre me è un artista autentico una delle statue umane più sugestive che abbia mai visto. si chiama Francis ed è francese, ha vissuto in Italia per molti anni e l'ho incontrato in tante città dal nord al sud, non ci siamo mai scambiati i contatti anche perché Francis vive senza l'uso del telefono e dell'autovettura, ma sempre puntuale all'ora giusta al posto giusto per emozionare la folla con la sua originale ed articolata forma d'arte.
Chi lo ha osservato può confermare.
Quel giorno Ci siamo divertiti a mescolare le nostre posture incuranti di piacere al pubblico ma quanto di rendere espressive le azioni e nel silenzio delle nostra diversità, ma attenti a rendere l'immagine un filo conduttore.
Kelly ha immortalato il momento perfetto di quest'azione statica con una foto che successivamente Ritornata in America ha realizzato un quadro presentandolo ad un concorso importante in una nota galleria d'arte in Texas. Kelly ha vinto il primo premio e si è assicurata una mostra in questa galleria delle sue opere.
Questa è l'alchimia dell'arte di strada.
In English:
This picture was made by an American friend of mine "Kelly Borsheim Artist" Painter and madonnara in Florence. The subject in the painting beyond me is a genuine artist one of the most evocative human statues one has ever seen. his name is Francis and he is French, he lived in Italy for many years and I met him in many cities from north to south, we have never exchanged contacts also because Francis lives without the use of the telephone and car, but always on time at the right time in the right place to excite the crowd with his original and multifaceted art form.
Those who have observed it can confirm.
That day we had fun mixing our postures regardless of pleasing the public, but how much to make the actions expressive and in the silence of our diversity, but careful to make the image a common thread.
Kelly immortalized the perfect moment of this static action with a photo that she later returned to America and created a painting by presenting it at an important competition in a well-known art gallery in Texas. Kelly won first prize and secured a show in this gallery of her work. [He misunderstood: I did not win FIRST PLACE, but just and HONORABLE MENTION. And I did not secure a show for my work. It was just that this work was accepted into this one juried exhibition of many international artists. Kelly]
This is the alchemy of street art.